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Armadillocon is a science fiction convention held annually in Austin, with several hundred attendees. The primary focus of ArmadilloCon is literary science fiction, but that's not all we do - we also pay attention to art, animation, science, media, and gaming. Every year, dozens of professional writers, artists and editors attend the convention. Sometimes they come to make deals, but more often they come to have fun!

We outgrew our old hotel
and this year we will be at a new hotel.


8/17/05 - R. Cat Conrad and Rachel Caine have reluctantly canceled their appearance at ArmadilloCon 27 due to personal matters. They hope to return next year.

8/13/05 - Bradley Denton, previous guest of honor and toastmaster and always a fan (and committee) favorite at ArmadilloCon, won the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award on July 8 for his story titled "Seargant Chip." Congratulations Bradley!

8/11/05 - Congratulations to John Picacio, previous Artist Guest and a favorite of ArmadilloCon. He won a Chesly Award for Best Paperback Cover Illustration!

8/7/05 - Guest of Honor Charles Stross has won the 2005 Hugo Award for Best Novella. Congratulations Charles!!!

7/28/05 - Our original deadline for the room block and $89 rate at the Doubletree has expired. The hotel has agreed to honor the rate for the time being.

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