August 10-12, 2007 Louise Marley Gary Lippincott Sharyn November Patty Wells Howard Waldrop
Austin, TX
Guests of Honor
Writers' Workshop
Dealer's Room
Art Show
Charity Auction
Program Book
About ArmadilloCon
August 10-12, 2007

Who or What is ArmadilloCon?!?

ArmadilloCon is a literary science fiction convention held annually in Austin, with several hundred attendees. The primary focus of ArmadilloCon is literary science fiction, but that's not all we do -- we also pay attention to art, animation, science, media, and gaming. Every year, dozens of professional writers, artists and editors attend the convention. Sometimes they come to make deals, but more often they come to have fun!

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Most Recent Update

ArmadilloCon starts tomorrow!!!
There will be a PODcast available for those folks who can't make it. The good folks at RevolutionSF will be posting the PODcast on their site. They will also have some blogging going on.
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